Want to organise a wine event at your office or home? How about a wine tasting at your birthday party to impress your guest? Or a Corporate Tasting for your office Managers and Directors?
Roywijn Events can bring the wine tasting to you. Roywijn engages with people during the tasting and points out key points and shares interesting facts, making Roywijn the most informative tasting you will ever experience.

The Service
Roywijn has a range of service packages that you can choose from. Whether you want to have a tasting in the office, or at the party you are hosting at your home, maybe some bubbly wine tasting at the Bachelorette you are organising, it does not matter. Roywijn brings the wine and knowledge to you.
Are you a restaurant owner that does not know what wine to pick for your wine list? Let Roywijn help and assist you in making the right choice.
If you as couple wants to do something special let Roywijn present a personal wine tasting and photoshoot for you. Teaching you all about wine and capturing some special moments for the photo album.
Get in touch below and let's wine about life.
A Bit About Roywijn
This all started when I was just a student, living the student life, in a residence. As seniors, we had a traditional get-together where we would discuss anything except girls and academics. Reason being that girls and academics already took up too much time of the male student, so it just seems fair to have more valued conversations. It was decided that wine would be the liquor of choice to fuel our admired discussion. Entrance for each senior was two bottles, one for storage, and one for drinking. We never ended up storing any wine. The next part was the pivot of my wine life. One of the guys brought some wine from his dad's private cellar (with permission of course ... I think). One must remember, that the only time a student bought an R50 bottle of wine, was when it could be bought at a special of R25. So when this student sipped the first sip of quality wine, his mind blew. The softness of the wine tamed the battle among the complex flavours in my mouth The scent of history that was trapped like a genie in the bottle, escaped into my nose. The genie did not grant wishes, but rather bestowed wisdom on all that consumed. I, unfortunately, cannot recall the name, the varietal, the year, the ... well, anything of the wine. What I can recall was that I will never look at wine the same, and thus my journey began, the journey of wine. And all I will say in addition to this res story is, Geolé.
Going down my life a few years later to the present, I decided to start Roywijn. With Roywijn I can share my passion for wine with family, friends and other random Oenophiles. Some people don't know this, but there is much more to wine than just red and white. If you know what to look for in a wine you can understand what type of red wine or white wine you like, and that is why Roywijn is there. To help you find your best wine.

Bottles of wine ready for tasting.

Bottles of wine ready for tasting.

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